Wednesday, December 21, 2011

SHAVING BRUSHES CLEAN & CONDITION Badger or Boar Bristle for Safety or Straight Razor Shave Shaving

CLICK HERE TO BUY : to Purchase These and Other Fine Shaving Items. HOW TO CLEAN & CONDITION YOUR BRUSHES for SHAVING with a Safety or Straight Razor. Badger or Boar. Description Shaving Brushes tend to accumulate shave cream and soap over time. In this video I will perform an instructional tutorial describing the process of how to clean the brushes and remove any residue left behind by extended periods of use. After that, you can apply conditioner to your brushes and they will be renewed and also restored to their original texture and flexibility. Never store your brushes in a medicine cabinet or drawer. Always let them dry in the open air. For those new to Safety Razor and StraightRazor Wet Shaving, Here is a description of how it's done: SAFETY RAZOR SHAVE SHAVING HOW TO PERFORM A 3 Pass Wet Shave with a Merkur HD Double Edge Safety Razor. Using a Badger Brush, Shaving Cream or Soap From a Tub, a German Made 2-Piece Safety Razor, and a Double Edge Razor Blade. A) Shower with Hot Water & Wash Beard with Soap B) Soak Badger Brush in Cup of Hot Water for 2 Minutes C) Fill Sink with Hot Water D) Apply shaving cream to Tips of Badger Brush E) Apply Hot Water to Beard/Do Not Dry Off F) Apply Shaving Cream or Shaving Soap to Beard 1) First Pass Straight Down With The Grain 2) Second Pass From Ear to Nose Across The Grain 3) Third Pass: From Nose to Ear with a Slight Upward Motion. Or, if you prefer/south to north against the grain 4) Rinse with Hot then ...

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

How to Lather a Shaving Soap

A demonstration on how to lather a shaving soap using a badger brush and hot water. The two techniques demonstrated are: Hand lathering and Bowl lathering. I apologize, there appears to be an audio error in the middle of the video whIle I am talking about bowl mixing.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Negative Effect of People Labeling to Children

!±8± The Negative Effect of People Labeling to Children

Labeling is common in a commercial setting. Whatever can be sold or bought- products, a brand name, animals - need to be labeled to make them distinctive. Products and brand names need to be identified by consumers. Animals need to be remembered for scientific purposes.

What happens when we start labeling people, though? Isn't it common for people to label other people in general? Is it really harmful or not?

Children are most susceptible to labeling early on in their life. Their peers, and even teachers, will label them as being the class bully, or perhaps the best dancer, or even the class diva. Don't you remember the child in kindergarten who was labeled most likely to succeed?

These labels might seem trivial enough, but what happens when the labels become more serious such as - the asian or black kid? Racism originated from labels. How about the class bully? What happens when the child starts to believe he or she IS the class bully? And what happens when people actually see no room for change for the class bully? Labels are dangerous as they close the minds and views of people to change. This can be hard on a child's self-esteem.

When people start believing a label, they don't see anything about the person except for whatever the label is. The rest of a person's traits are crossed-out by the label. Everyone has a positive and negative side, but when all people can see are the negative traits, it can be hard for a person to change.

People who are labeled unfairly might start living up to what people expect of them. They will hide their hurt and anger and bottle it up inside, retreating from a world that views them in a bad light.

Once isolated, they become anti-social and resort to other means of making them happy. Perhaps even substance abuse.

So before you start looking at someone in a very simplified manner by putting a label on him or her, remember, people are more complicated than that. There is a lot going on inside a person that you don't see. So stop labeling people and accept that everyone is unique. You just can't label a person.

The Negative Effect of People Labeling to Children

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

FEATHER ALL-STAINLESS $200 SAFETY RAZOR: Traditional Shaving Demo Classic Shave Style!

CLICK HERE TO BUY : to purchase a new Feather "All Stainless" Razor and other fine Fine Shaving Products. Are You Interested in learning how to shave with a Safety Razor? Tired of multi-blade cartridge pulling and tugging? For those new to Safety and StraightRazor Wet Shaving, Here is a description of how it's done: SAFETY RAZOR SHAVING. HOW TO PERFORM A 3- Pass Wet Shave Using a Feather All-Stainless Safety Razor. Using a Badger Brush, and Shaving Cream or Soap From a Tub. A) Shower with Hot Water & Wash Beard with Soap B) Soak Badger Brush in Cup of Hot Water for 2 Minutes C) Fill Sink with Hot Water D) Apply shaving cream to Tips of Badger Brush E) Apply Hot Water to Beard/Do Not Dry Off F) Apply Shaving Cream or Shaving Soap to Beard G) Very Gently apply the razor to your face at a 30 degree angle. 1) First Pass Straight Down With The Grain 2) Second Pass From Ear to Nose Across The Grain 3) Third Pass: From Nose to Ear with a Slight Upward Motion. Or, if you prefer/South to North against the grain 4) Rinse with Hot then Cold Water. 5) Apply Your Favorite After Shave Lotion or Cream/Preferably Alcohol Free. 6) Now You're Ready to Conquer the World!!!!! Straight Razor and Safety Razor Wet Shaving I also own straight razors by Boker, Wade & Butcher, Torrey, Geo Wostenholm & Sons, Thiers Issard, Nahoum Hatem, and Feather No Sharpen, Let me know if you would like to see a demonstration or tutorial on how to use any other razors that interest you. I also ...

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Friday, October 14, 2011

How to Get Ashton Kutcher Hairstyles

!±8± How to Get Ashton Kutcher Hairstyles

Ashton Kutcher is a major heartthrob and there is no denying this one. A part of his good looks comes from the way he styles his hair. Yes, Ashton, you definitely have a good set of hair on your head. He usually wears his head a bit on the long side. There are many different styles and it always seems like he spends some time on his hair. We have also noticed that he changes his style often. He isn't the type of guy who leaves his hair the same way for years. Finally, a guy who understands how boring it can be to have the same style. So, you want to know how to get Ashton Kutcher Hairstyles?

Of course, just like he does, you should keep the hair a little bit long. Razor cut the hair around your chin, because he has a tendency to sport hair that has long layers in it.

Add some side swept bangs to your hair. In order to keep your hair in shape and make it easier to style, you should get it trimmed frequently.

Brush the hair downward so that your bangs are straight and touching the eyebrows. This will give you that playful Kutcher look that he sports around. You could also sweep the bangs to the side or brush the bangs back. Brushing the bangs back will give you the masculine Kutcher appearance. As for the styles, don't go thinking that it will look good on you.

You have to have the same face he has. By this, we mean that you need to have the high cheekbones and same shape. Just because a style look good on one guy does not mean it is going to look good on the next guy. If this style doesn't look good on you, then maybe you should try Brad Pitt's hairstyles.

How to Get Ashton Kutcher Hairstyles

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Off to College Checklist

!±8± Off to College Checklist

When you go off to college, you are moving out of your house, and thus you need some basic items in order to function. The following is a checklist of some of the things you will need for your room, and in order to be successful in school:

Kitchen Supplies
You have to be able to eat while you are at school, so start by gathering some basic kitchen supplies so that you can eat at home, cook, and store food that you do not eat. Even if you intend to eat mom and dad's leftovers, you need to have something to eat it on and eat it with. Consider the following supplies.

Cups Bowls Plates Mug Fork, knife, spoon Can opener Tupperware Pan Pot Dish soap and scrub brush

Room Needs
While many college rooms come furnished, it is with the bare necessities, and you will still need some things to make the room usable, especially for studying and other uses. The following are just a few of the basics that you won't want to go to college without.

Lamp Alarm Trash can Storage Hangers Bulletin board/dry erase

A college student needs a lot of electronic devices to stay connected. Many colleges have online course work, and require students to email papers, access information online, etc. When you are preparing yourself technologically for college don't forget to do the following items.

Computer Printer Phone cord Ethernet cord Headphones Surge protector Extension cords Music player

Desk supplies
When you go off to college you are there for school, so you need to have school type supplies. Desk supplies have changed over the past few years, from pens and papers to electronic memory and similar supplies.

Memory sticks CD-Roms Address book Stapler and staples Printed paper Pens, pencils, markers Notebooks Pocket folders Labels 3 x 5 cards Paperclips Rubber bands Scissors Ruler Highlighter Envelopes/stamps Dictionary and thesaurus

Linens are one of the things we often take for granted at home. We don't even realize towels, wash cloths, sheets, etc. have to be thought about, purchased, etc. You aren't going to want to sleep on a dorm mattress without your own set of sheets. So, when it comes to linens, don't forget the following.

Sheets and pillowcases Towels Pillows Mattress pad Blankets Comforter


Stain remover Quarters for laundry mat Lint brush Sewing kit

The first time you get sick, you are going to feel really crappy about not having a bottle of Aspirin, Excedrin or Tylenol. So, get it before you get sick. Don't forget the following:

Medicine Bandages Shower stuff Hair styling products Soaps Tweezers, clippers, razors Floss and toothpaste Lotion

Other stuff
There are a few things that you may not think about, that would be good to take to college with you.

Cleaning supplies Household products (light bulbs, trash bags, Ziploc bags) Storage containers

Off to College Checklist

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Four Piece Shaving Shave Set with 'Mach 3' Razor, Badger Brush, Soap Dish On Chrome Plated Stand

!±8±Four Piece Shaving Shave Set with 'Mach 3' Razor, Badger Brush, Soap Dish On Chrome Plated Stand

Brand : BBI
Rate :
Price : $59.00
Post Date : Sep 09, 2011 00:50:12
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Four Piece Chrome Plates Shaving Set Includes: "Mach 3" Razor and Badger Brush with Bowl on a attractive matching stand. Silver Plated, this is a beautiful set. Measures:5.25 x 4 x 5.50

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Razor - learning to shave with a razor

!±8± Razor - learning to shave with a razor

For the first and relatively new users of razors, shaving with a razor to learn to not only sounds scary, but the time always prone to nicks, cuts and irritation of the skin is much higher.

Many new shaving razors are prepared very early in their "career" and the razor blades are often consigned to the drawer or refurbished for sale on an auction site.

Recognize that learning to shave with a razor is not aTask during the night is very important because with learning a new skill, which is a tool of some kind, is patience, skill and, of course, requires a well-honed razor and shave ready to complete the job properly.

Without these things every shave with a razor will probably end up being a sub-par shaving, razor and shaving guide can help you better start next time you pick up the brush preferred rate, the cream and razors and CompensationFight your beard.

First of all is the sharpness of the knife is very important. Contrary to popular belief, the sharper the razor does not mean that you end up with more cuts, when compared with sharp razor blades.

If you use a blade with less than perfect edge, the razor in various degrees and 'caught shaving, trimming, and when not adequately controlled almost certainly lead to cuts.

Razor Razor usually inexperiencedThese in themselves poor technique rather than the razor.

Learning to shave with a sharp razor is the first point, and if you do not know how to restore the very edge, you should seek the advice of a razor shaving experience, you will be put in contact with a "honemeister", a term that is often used in forums to describe someone who is much to restore the sharpness of the edge of a razor.

Provided you have a scale at this timeRazor shaving by a wide margin, you now need to strop the edge of the leaf. Obviously you need a strop, which uses a double-sided strips of leather and canvas, the blade is running back and forth in two shots. One forward and one step back, each movement is named as a "roundabout".

As such, you should consult the razor around, 20 or 30 times on each side of the strop, from the first canvas, and then more recently with the skin part.

Stripping is veryimportant since this process again shaved the razor edge between the residue and the polishing of small teeth on the edge of the razor, which can not be seen with the naked eye.

Learning good technique traction is important because this award by a hair, which means they have less irritation and virtually eliminate the cuts to obtain or nick.

The Razor Shave

Start with the regular use of the shower to open pores of the skinHis face is, the more the better steam. Some like to use some hair shaving razor or a pre-shave product during a shower to ex-foliate your skin and soften the beard before shaving.

After taking a hot water shower in the bathroom sink and run the razor strop, have shaved a towel or two to clean your hands paid, and you, and do not forget to take your time during the first months of shaving, in how can their technology to monitor and improvedefiance of any future.

Shaving creams and soaps are essential to achieve a good quality shaving with a razor. Not in any case with a conventional shaving cream or gel that you regularly use a disposable razor or safety. They offer little or no skin protection when using a razor, and is even more confusion during and after shaving to do.

The shaving cream is designed to provide your skin with nutrients and act as a barrierbetween the edge razor and your skin / You'll be surprised how different shaving, smell, be surprised, and have an effect on the skin look and feel when you have finished shaving.

The choice of shaving cream or soap you use is a matter of personal preference, and there are literally hundreds to choose from. With a good cream is highly recommended, and very subjective to begin as a shaving cream Musgo Real Speick,Trumper, Taylor, DR Harris and Crabtree Evelyn, do not go far wrong.

As we proceed with the beard razor, you will realize that shaving creams and soaps that suits you best.

Using your shaving brush in hand, dip the brush in hot water (not boiling) water, and shake off excess water in the sink. Then add a point of shaving cream on the brush, something less than a small marble, stained faces, and then slowly begins to rub the face with a brush, apply a moderateAmount of pressure in a circular motion in both directions have to face and neck, a relatively uniform coating of shaving cream.

Do not add too much water on the brush or on the face, as you are soaping, you can always add another number to encourage, soaping, if the brush well loaded with shaving cream. You will know if this is the case or not, as the cream is often heard as the brush moves across the face.

Experiment with the addition of small amounts of waterFacial shaving cream was applied once, until it feels good. Too much water will run thin cream, and not an effective barrier to the skin, and almost certainly lead to skin irritation. You can always start more than a shaving cream brush and touch several times if this is the case.

Now that you shave ready to take the razor and pull the skin taut with your hand, not shaving, and start with a leveling in the lower right side of your face. Unlike aTraditional shaving is, you soon learn that the best razor shaved skin using pull techniques that you learn as you go will be.

The skin should always be tightened with the fingers or hand during each stroke with a razor. Shaving will only lead to sagging skin in the trimming and cutting, so you have to start using with your other hand to tighten the skin.

The razor should be about 30 degrees to the face are required,maybe a little 'flat. A higher incidence of cuts will result in poor cutting results and cuts possible, use your eyes as the razor goes with every stroke and maintain the correct cutting angle.

During the first few shaves with a razor, remember that you are on the whole his beard. You are not obliged to complete a full beard in the early stages of the learning process, and there is no shame to get a one-way till the endoutside the small areas that could be lost.

This not only saves you a lot of frustration trying to reach seemingly inaccessible areas, will also greatly reduce the chances of getting a nick. Patience is the key.

Once you compile the first paper down, you can try switching to a great shave.

Splash the remaining cream on your face with some water and again apply the shaving cream, with a lower pressure with the shaving brush.Use a circular motion to face and back of the neck area a good coating of shaving cream, fun and then clean the razor with a piece of paper towel or cloth under the old maximum care not to touch the edge of the razor and you are ready the second start, going up.

With the same procedure in reverse, pulling the skin along the neck with one hand, with an angle of 30 degrees to start the upward motion, gently and with steady pressure to the neckArea is done. Then pull the skin downward from the lower chin area and work your way through the bone of the jaw on the cheek.

At this point you should start to pull the skin up to the cheek area and keep pace with the razor, until the cheeks are ready.

Shaving with an upward movement of the mustache and the chin is something that many do razors, shaving, although it is recommended that you should only do so if you really need, and only onceYou have to do with the razor.

If you have completed both passes on the skin, clean the razor with the addition of a little cold water on the blade and with a kitchen towel to remove all traces of moisture from the shaver. You can select the blade of a razor and blow off excess water through the gap in the balance as well.

This is not the water drips down into the cracks where the bolts and washers to meet the blade, where most of the rust spots on a razor blade to start is to prevent, ifpoor maintenance.

Open the blade and placed on a towel somewhere to dry for 10-15 minutes.

Before storing the razor blade, you can use a small patch of oil to the blade and rub gently with a paper towel or dry cloth.

After shaving, you want to soothe the skin, after ex-laminated with a razor.

Like shaving cream, there are many choices when it comes to shaving and aftershave balms, and newRazor-users, try it with guys that do not contain alcohol and skin care ingredients in them.

Let me explain the merits of various shaving creams, soaps, creams and aftershave in future articles.

If you get a nick or cuts while shaving razor, put the razor to clean the grooves with a little water, and apply gentle pressure with the styptic pencil directly on the cut. It is a burning sensation that will end very quickly,and after a few moments, the cut stops the bleeding when you shave the rest of your order.

Razor - learning to shave with a razor

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