Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Off to College Checklist

!±8± Off to College Checklist

When you go off to college, you are moving out of your house, and thus you need some basic items in order to function. The following is a checklist of some of the things you will need for your room, and in order to be successful in school:

Kitchen Supplies
You have to be able to eat while you are at school, so start by gathering some basic kitchen supplies so that you can eat at home, cook, and store food that you do not eat. Even if you intend to eat mom and dad's leftovers, you need to have something to eat it on and eat it with. Consider the following supplies.

Cups Bowls Plates Mug Fork, knife, spoon Can opener Tupperware Pan Pot Dish soap and scrub brush

Room Needs
While many college rooms come furnished, it is with the bare necessities, and you will still need some things to make the room usable, especially for studying and other uses. The following are just a few of the basics that you won't want to go to college without.

Lamp Alarm Trash can Storage Hangers Bulletin board/dry erase

A college student needs a lot of electronic devices to stay connected. Many colleges have online course work, and require students to email papers, access information online, etc. When you are preparing yourself technologically for college don't forget to do the following items.

Computer Printer Phone cord Ethernet cord Headphones Surge protector Extension cords Music player

Desk supplies
When you go off to college you are there for school, so you need to have school type supplies. Desk supplies have changed over the past few years, from pens and papers to electronic memory and similar supplies.

Memory sticks CD-Roms Address book Stapler and staples Printed paper Pens, pencils, markers Notebooks Pocket folders Labels 3 x 5 cards Paperclips Rubber bands Scissors Ruler Highlighter Envelopes/stamps Dictionary and thesaurus

Linens are one of the things we often take for granted at home. We don't even realize towels, wash cloths, sheets, etc. have to be thought about, purchased, etc. You aren't going to want to sleep on a dorm mattress without your own set of sheets. So, when it comes to linens, don't forget the following.

Sheets and pillowcases Towels Pillows Mattress pad Blankets Comforter


Stain remover Quarters for laundry mat Lint brush Sewing kit

The first time you get sick, you are going to feel really crappy about not having a bottle of Aspirin, Excedrin or Tylenol. So, get it before you get sick. Don't forget the following:

Medicine Bandages Shower stuff Hair styling products Soaps Tweezers, clippers, razors Floss and toothpaste Lotion

Other stuff
There are a few things that you may not think about, that would be good to take to college with you.

Cleaning supplies Household products (light bulbs, trash bags, Ziploc bags) Storage containers

Off to College Checklist

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